Ανεξάρτητη Τεχνική Υποστήριξη και Service για τα Apple Mac, 7 Ημέρες την Εβδομάδα 10:00-20:00 > 6932469656

Apr 2011

"Music Exporter": Αντιγράψτε την μουσική σας από το iPhone, το iPod, το iPad ή οιοδήποτε iTunes Library, σε οιοδήποτε αποθηκευτικό μέσο, εύκολα, γρήγορα και δωρεάν!


"FxFactory": A free and revolutionary visual effects architecture powering hundreds of Freeware and Commercial plug-ins for Final Cut Pro, Motion, Final Cut Express and Adobe After Effects!


"Google Notifier for Mac": Άμεση και δωρεάν ενημέρωση γιά όλες τις ανανεώσεις των υπηρεσιών Google, στις οποίες έχετε εγγραφεί!


Last Year’s iPod Nano Was Just Cut Down The Middle!

"UltraMixer 2": Δωρεάν πρόγραμμα πολλών δυνατοτήτων γιά επίδοξους DJ!


Η Apple έχει γίνει ρουφιάνος των Μυστικών Υπηρεσιών και μας κατασκοπεύει μέσω των 3G συσκευών της;

Διαστάσεις χιονοστιβάδας τείνει να λάβει η αποκάλυψη ότι όλες οι συσκευές της Apple οι οποίες έχουν 3G, καταγράφουν με πάσα χρονική λεπτομέρεια τις γεωγραφικές συντεταγμένες των μετακινήσεων του κατόχου τους, και τις αποθηκεύουν τόσο στις συσκευές όσο και στα Αντίγραφα Ασφαλείας (Backups) που κρατά το iTunes μέσω του συγχρονισμού (Sync).

Οι αντιδράσεις είναι πολύ έντονες και οι Νομικές Επιπλοκές ενδέχεται να μετατραπούν σε άνευ προηγουμένου εφιάλτη γιά την Apple.

Αδιευκρίνιστο παραμένει μέχρι στιγμής το εάν αυτά τα δεδομένα αποστέλλονται σε πραγματικό χρόνο ή και αυτομάτως ανά τακτά χρονικά διαστήματα, από τις συσκευές προς την Apple και προς τους Υπερυπολογιστές των Μυστικών Υπηρεσιών χωρίς την συγκατάθεση του κατόχου τους, γεγονός το οποίο θεωρείται σχεδόν βέβαιο...

Got an iPhone or 3G iPad? Apple is recording your moves.
A hidden file in iOS 4 is regularly recording the position of devices.

iPhone tracking: The day after.
Analysis and criticism came in the wake of our iPhone tracking story.

Κατεβάστε την εφαρμογή, η οποία αποδεικνύει του λόγου το αληθές:
iPhone Tracker

Christopher Nolan’s “Inception” Explained In OS X Finder!

"Game Salad": Δημιουργήστε παιχνίδια γιά Mac, iPhone, iPod, iPad ή γιά το Διαδίκτυο, εύκολα, γρήγορα και δωρεάν!


390 Ευρώ

Αθήνα - 6948 58 42 44, stelios_gioulis@yahoo.gr

ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Κρυφή καταγραφή των μετακινήσεων σας μέσω του iPhone!

"Fire Record": Μαγνητοσκοπήστε Video σε πραγματικό χρόνο ή προγραμματισμένα από οιαδήποτε πηγή FireWire, εντελώς δωρεάν!


Handy Comic Guide to iPhone, Android, Blackberry Users!

"NeoTextureEdit": Δημιουργείστε δωρεάν τα δικά σας textures!


"DiskWave": Βρείτε πόση χωρητικότητα καταλαμβάνουν τα αρχεία σας και διαχειριστείτε πιό αποτελεσματικά τον χώρο των δίσκων σας!


"Plainview": Free full screen web browser for Mac OS X!


My Blackberry Isn’t Working, and There’s a Problem With My Apple!

"Macally IceCam 2": Web Camera γιά Mac μόνο με 30.96 Ευρώ!

Το προϊόν διατίθεται από το "Public" με κωδικό 0391436.

"Tweet To Speech": Το Twitter σας μιλάει!


"iAnalyse": A free software for musical analysis!


Apple blasts into supermarkets with revolutionary Apple Water!

"Jigplay": Φτιάξτε τα δικά σας Puzzle εντελώς δωρεάν!


"Mover Connect": Μεταφέρετε ότι πληροφορία θέλετε μέσω ασυρμάτου δικτύου WiFi από το Mac σας στο iPhone, το iPad ή το iPod σας, εντελώς δωρεάν!


Maintaining SSD drives in OS X!

As their prices fall and capacities increase, SSD drives are becoming a more popular option, not only for laptops but also for consumer and pro desktop systems. Apple began offering SSD drives in MacBook Air systems in 2009, but now you can get them as a CTO option for nearly all Mac configurations. These drives offer numerous benefits over older mechanical ones, including the use of less power, less heat generation, and reduced potential for mechanical damage. But a main reason for their increased use is much faster performance when compared with the average mechanical drive.

Even though performance is a major plus to these drives, there are a couple situations that can result in degraded SSD drive performance on Macs. We recently covered one of these situations where people were finding that SSD drives were taking abnormally long to boot, but another problem is more universal to the drives themselves, in that over time and use, the drive's speed will degrade.

The main reason for this has to do with the requirements needed for these drives to write data, where unlike mechanical drives, the SSD storage media needs to be in a ready or "empty" state before it can reliably accept data.

When data is deleted from a drive, the system does not remove the data itself, and instead just frees the blocks to be overwritten by modifying the drive's index and directory files. In mechanical drives this makes no difference because the drive can easily write over used blocks, modifying them to contain the new data in one sweep. In SSD drives, however, the blocks that still contain unused data will need to be properly erased and set to a ready state before they can accept new data. This procedure is done "on the fly" as the blocks are used, but it does take some overhead that will cut into performance.

New SSD drives are shipped with their storage blocks in a ready state, and as a result the drives are very fast; however, as the drive's blocks get progressively filled through use, the number of blocks that are left in the "ready" state will drop until eventually all writing processes by the system will have to wait for the drive to first reset the blocks being used. The performance will not necessarily make your system crawl, or even drop to the speed of mechanical hard drives (especially for second-generation SSD drives), but may be notably slower than the expected performance.

To combat this, drive manufacturers and various OS developers are including "garbage collection" routines that will slowly reset unused blocks on the drives in the background when the drives are not being accessed. These routines include the "TRIM" and "Secure Erase" ATA commands that, if supported in the drive's firmware, can be triggered by a software routine to perform the garbage collection routine on the drive.

While Apple has included SSD as options in its systems for a couple of years, the support for these garbage collection routines has only been implemented for the latest MacBook Pro systems, and only for SSD drives that are shipped with the systems. This means that if you purchase a third-party SSD drive that supports TRIM, OS X will not use it. To date, the most universal method for clearing up and reconditioning SSD drives in OS X has been to perform various erase routines:

Formatting the drive

One option people resort to is to format the entire drive by first backing it up using Time Machine or a cloning utility, and then using Disk Utility when booted off an alternative volume to partition the drive and erase it by writing zeros to disk. After this is done, restore the backup to the drive.

Erase free disk space
Another option similar to the first is to use Disk Utility's "erase free space" option to write zeros to all unused portions of the drive.

Third-party solutions
The use of Disk Utility is not the most optimal solution, especially on systems that do not already support TRIM, so for better results you can use a tool like "DiskTester" to perform a "recondition" routine on SSD drives, which should force the use of TRIM on the unused sections of the drive.

Keep in mind that of these three options that people use, only the last one will truly "recondition" the drive. The first two will write zeros to the drive, which will fill the media with data and not leave it in a "ready" mode unless the system already supports TRIM. As a result they even may cause some drives to report 0KB available to the OS, which can keep your system from booting. Additionally, since SSD cells have a limited number of reliable read and write routines, zeroing out data may reduce the life of the SSD (albeit by only a very small and likely insignificant amount).

Since TRIM support in OS X is relatively new, it likely is being limited in scope for now, and will sooner or later be expanded to support all SSD drives; however, if you would like to enable TRIM support in your system, there is an option to do it with TRIM Support Enabler, which installs a modified drive kernel extension to allow TRIM to work. After applying the patch you should see a line that says "TRIM Support: Yes" in System Profiler when you select your drive under the "Serial-ATA" section.

While TRIM and other garbage collection techniques should help SSD performance in the long run, there is question about the extent to which the average user might benefit from it. A benchmark test by bit-tech last year compared the performance of a MacBook Air using both a fresh and used (dirty) SSD drive, and found no appreciable difference in performance, suggesting this system would not benefit from the use of TRIM. However, the article noted the benchmark may not be conclusive because the overall low SSD performance on the MacBook Air may have masked any performance difference between the "clean" and "dirty" drive setups. On more-optimized systems, the performance difference might be easier to see, though its clear that the effect people see is graded and will be specific for a particular combination of drive, system, and the way the drive is used.

If you wish to try using TRIM Support Enabler on your system, while people have not currently experienced problems, keep in mind that modifying kernel extensions in OS X may cause kernel panics and otherwise destabilize the system. Unless you are experiencing persistent and notable performance issues with your SSD drive, it may be best to just keep the drive as is and not try to optimize its performance by erasing or formatting it. If you must run some sort of utility, be sure it is a program that can execute the TRIM command properly to reset the drive to a proper "ready" state.

Πηγή: http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13727_7-20052922-263.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=MacFixIt

"MrRx": Διαχειριστείτε τις Ιατρικές Συνταγές και τις Φαρμακευτικές Αγωγές της οικογενείας σας, εντελώς δωρεάν!



Πηγή: http://ec.europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/shopping/shopping-abroad/guarantees/index_en.htm

Μορφή .PDF


Two-year guarantee

Wherever you buy goods in the EU, you have two years to request repairs or replacement if they turn out to be faulty or not as advertised. If a product cannot be repaired or replaced within a reasonable time or without inconvenience, you may request a refund or price reduction.
The two-year guarantee period starts as soon as your goods are delivered, and you must inform the seller of the fault within two months of discovering it.
The seller is always liable, and in some EU countries you also have the right to request a remedy from the producer.

Sample story: Non-conformity of goods is not always immediately apparent

Mirek ordered a laptop, which appeared to work well. However, more than a year after buying it, he discovered that it had less memory than it was supposed to have. Although this problem had not been obvious to him immediately, and the laptop was still functional, it nonetheless did not conform to what was advertised when he bought it. Mirek was therefore able to obtain a refund from the shop.

Additional seller's guarantee

Shops will often offer you a guarantee, either included in the product price or at an extra cost. This does not replace the minimum two-year guarantee, which you still have.
Similarly, if a shop sells you a new product more cheaply on a 'no guarantee' basis, this only means that you don't have any additional protection. You still have two years to seek redress if the product turns out to be faulty or not as advertised.

Sample story: Your two-year guarantee cannot be shortened by a commercial guarantee

Carla bought a hairdryer with a six-month seller's guarantee. When it broke after eight months, she took it back to the shop. The shop assistant told her that her guarantee had run out, and that she was not eligible for a refund. Carla rightly pointed out that she had a full two-year guarantee under EU consumer protection law, and that the seller's six-month guarantee only offered additional protection.

Second-hand goods

In the case of second-hand goods, the buyer and seller can agree to a guarantee period of less than two years, but no shorter than one year. This should be made clear to you at the time of purchase.

Διέρρευσε πρωτότυπο του iPhone Nano!

"Skim": Freeware PDF reader and note taker!


"PlaneShift": Δωρεάν τρισδιάστατο παιχνίδι ρόλων MMORPG!


"JavaEncryptor": Δωρεάν εφαρμογή Κυπτογραφήσεως και Κλειδώματος των αρχείων σας!


"Web Remote": Watch YouTube from your couch, browse & control videos with your Apple Remote for free!


"MultiApple": Effort and petition for the integration of all European languages into Apple's applications!


"SoundCloud": Μοιραστείτε τους ήχους σας και αποκτήστε πρόσβαση σε μία τεράστια βιβλιοθήκη ήχων, εντελώς δωρεάν!



Why Wikipedia is not so great...


"KidZui": Δωρεάν Web Browser ειδικός γιά μικρά παιδιά, με αυτόματη απαγόρευση ακατάλληλου περιεχομένου!


"VideoVault": Αρχειοθετήστε πληροφορίες γιά τα DVD, τα BlueRay και όλα τα Video αρχεία σας, εντελώς δωρεάν!


Μεγάλη Προσφορά: Δίσκος SSD 2.5" 96 GB Kingston μόνο με 155 Ευρώ!

Η σειρά SSDNow V+ διαθέτει ενισχυμένο αλγόριθμο Garbage Collection, που δρα αποτελεσματικά τόσο στα λειτουργικά συστήματα που υποστηρίζουν τη λειτουργία TRIM, όσο και σε αυτά που δεν την υποστηρίζουν, όπως τα Windows XP, Vista και Mac OS X. H σειρά SSDNow V+ διατηρεί την απόδοση του δίσκου σε υψηλότατα επίπεδα, ακόμα και μετά από μεγάλη χρήση με πολλαπλές εγγραφές/διαγραφές!

Το προϊόν είναι διαθέσιμο από το E-Shop με κωδικό 345297.

"Steel Storm": Συναρπαστικό τρισδιάστατο παιχνίδι Shoot 'em Up, το οποίο διατίθεται δωρεάν!


"Unity": Free Game Development Tool!
